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Ein Stapel übereinanderliegender Medizinbücher.


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Question 1: Mark the correct statement

A Axons and dendrites are prolongations from the same tuft
B Dendrites receive input, axons generate output
C Synapses are formed on dendrites exclusively
D Glia cells form axons, neurons form dendrites
E Neurons outnumber glia cells in the mature brain

Question 2: Focussing of a visual picture is mainly done by the...

A Iris
B Cornea
C Geniculate nucleus
D Lens
E Retina

Question 3: What it the "critical period"?

The time window in development during which motor, sensory, and emotional input have the greatest influence on the connectivity of the nervous system.

Question 4: Does the spinal cord belong to the central nervous system or the peripheral nervous system?

The spinal cord belongs to the central nervous system.

Question 5: The neural tube develops into...

A Forebrain
B Hindbrain
C Midbrain
D Spinal cord
E All of the above

Question 6: Sound detection in the cochlea occurs by...

A Deformation of the tympanic membrane
B Dislocation of small bone fragemts on the cochlea cell surface
C Pressure-induced changes in the electric conductivity of inner ear fluid
D Pressure-induced neurotransmitter release from axon terminals
E The movement of cilia in hair cells

Question 7: The structures on the tongue responsible for taste detection are called:

A Taste pits
B Taste slots
C Taste buds
D Taste knods
E Taste cavities

Question 8: What happens during amyotrophic lateral sclerosis?

A Degeneration of axons to the sensorimotorcortex
B Degeneration of brain and spinal cord motorneurons
C Degeneration of cholinergic forebrain neurons
D Death of cerebellar Purkinje cells
E Degeneration of interneurons in the spinal cord

Question 9: Mark the correct statement:

A Axons and dendrites are prolongations from the same tuft
B Dendrites receive input, axons generate output
C Synapses are formed on dendrites exclusively
D Glia cells form axons, neurons form dendrites
E Neurons outnumber glia cells in the mature brain

Question 10: The effect of the myelin sheath is...

A to bend the axon to its target
B to activate microglia cells during infection
C to speed axonal electrical signal transduction
D to protect dendritic structures against mechanical disturbances
E to provide nutrition to glia cells